Monday, March 15, 2010

Manic Monday

The Bangles had no idea what a Manic Monday is. Not unless they had children.

As far as crazy days go, today has been fairly mild. Adam's out of school today. Gracey isn't too rumbunctious. My flu bug seems to have finally passed. The house is clean.

But, my dad is in the hospital.

My mom called at about 7:30pm on Sunday to describe my dad's leg. She thought he either had a blood clot or a pulled muscle, both of which he's had before. I told her not to mess around, just go to the ER. She agreed, however my dad was resistant. So she put him on the phone. I quite frankly said, "Dad if you to go ER and it's just a pulled muscle you're only out a copay. But if you don't go to ER and it is a blood clot, that could be it for you."

He went to ER.

Sure enough he has two blood clots in his right lower leg. So they admitted him and started him on some blood-thinners. He'll be there 2-5 days. He's doing better today and the long-term prognosis is good.

Your prayers would be appreciated.

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