Monday, December 8, 2008

Christmas Cards

My pre-Christmas funk has come to an end, thank God, and I'm embracing the holiday spirit as I usually do.

I am, however, quite disappointed that it's December 8th and we've only received two Christmas cards. Since moving here, every year our Christmas card count has declined. I don't know if folks in CA think it costs more to send a card to the prairie or if it's merely a case of out of sight out of mind. But in any event I'm disappointed. Now I realize that not every person is as obsessive about having their cards out on December 1st or close to it, but c'mon folks it's not like Christmas is a surprise. It comes every year. We have 11 months to prepare. One of the cards I received is, I'll say it, pretty darn lame. Obviously the sender took advantage of the mail list option places like Vistaprint offer as everything on it is pre-printed including both our address and the return address. This to me is a terrible cop-out. Unless you're George W. Bush, there is no excuse for this kind of Christmas card.

Oh! Speaking of President Bush, I received a letter from him today. Yes a bonafide letter from the President. I'd emailed him last month to thank him for doing his best and leading our country these last years. Like the man or not, you have to admit he's had a difficult presidency. Anyhow, I received a letter from him today thanking me for my kind words. I was very excited and even cried.

Well, enough of my blathering for one day. I'm off to watch CSI Miami with my sweet husband whom I adore more than ever. Keep him in your prayers. He's dealing with new job blues.