Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Since Gracie and I came home from the hospital, it's been pretty non-stop around here. I pushed myself too hard that first week and had a little set-back in my c-section recovery. But a little rest went a long way and now I'm feeling nearly 100%. The nerves are starting to regenerate so I have some itchiness along my abdomen and some numbness still in my rear, but other than that, I'm good as new. All the baby weight is gone plus an additional 8 pounds, so I'm pretty proud of myself. I'm short on time tonight, so I'll just tell you about the photos below and post more later. First, we discovered we didn't have a current "Wolfer family" photo that included Adam and/or Gracie. So, we rectified that problem on Saturday before going on a trail ride at She-She's. On Sunday, we went to Medora with Grammy, Pops, Grandpa and Grandma K. While there, we drove through Theodore Roosevelt National Park and three times we had to stop for buffalo crossing the road. The first time the buffalo came right up to the RV so I got some great photos.