Sunday, June 13, 2010

You can tell me anything so long as it's the truth. We don't have a lot of rules in our house, but one that is sure and steady is telling the truth. Adam knows he can tell us anything but we expect the truth. Truth-telling was something both of our parents instilled in us and we hope to instill it in our children as well. And it's something we expect from friends, coworkers and family. If I ask you a question, I want to hear the truth. I don't want your version of the truth, I don't want what you think I'll believe to be the truth. I want the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. And if I ask you the same question more than once it might just be because I already know the truth but your answer didn't have any in it. I don't like confrontation any more than the next person, but when we forego the truth in an effort to save face or avoid a confrontation, we're driving a wedge between us and the other person. I prefer to deal with a difficult truthful situation than an easy dishonest one. Likewise, I don't care much for secrecy. This is something else we've taught Adam. Keeping secrets (other than presents and surprise parties) is dangerous. I lump 'sneaking around' into secrecy.

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