Wednesday, November 1, 2006

Meant to be me

Today what strikes me the most is how happy we are here. We were at dinner the other night when my dad praised God for our new houses. Scott added, "Thank you for our homes. They're not just houses." And that pretty much sums it up.

I LOVE being a stay-at-home mom in North Dakota and have such peace about it. It's like I've finally discovered what I was meant to do and who I was meant to be.

Boy, I sure have turned into the queen of mush since moving here, haven't I? No. Seriously, I'm happy. My husband's happy. My son is happy. My parents and sister are happy. What more could I want?

We had a week-end of indian summer and expect another next week. On Sunday it was in the low 70s and gorgeous. Monday brought teens and twenties and an inch or two of snow. Most of it's gone now but it's still chilly. I've never been particularly fond of the cold, but this isn't bothering me. Besides the cold winds, it doesn't feel as cold as San Leandro did because there's basically no humidity. No damp fog seeping into my aching joints. What?! I'm going on 30 you know. I'm getting old and my joints ache. :)

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