Monday, August 7, 2006

Aloha 'Oe

Hello from ND! Today, I made history. That's right. I was the first Wolfer/Rose to get a bee sting in ND. Woo hoo. Yippee. Hey, at least I'm not allergic like Pops and at least it wasn't Adam who got the first sting. And really, after a few minutes it's just an ugly little welt, it's nothing major. But, it's historical.
We planted the remaining 30 arborvitae trees today. Left to plant at our house are 5 crape myrtles, 10 lilacs, 6 snowball bushes, 4 knock-out roses, 1 maple, 1 ash and 1 crab apple. Compared to the 90 other trees and shrubs we've planted at our house, this should be a breeze. And don't even get me started about the other 40 shrubs left to plant at Grammy and Pops' place.
Scott, Grammy, Adam and I went to the Capitol A'Fair on Saturday, which is a pretty large craft fair held on the capitol grounds. It was a good diversion for me since I was homesick for the Aloha Festival. My former halau (hula group) always dances at the Aloha Festival and had we stayed in CA, I would have danced on Sunday. *sigh*
On Sunday, we took a trip down to Fort Yates and Prairie Knights Indian Casino. I played a whole $2.50 and lost it. Pops won $40. Sickening. We were home in time to watch BB7 and the first Raider pre-season game. I hung my Raider flag with pride. I'm sure the neighbors think I'm crazy. They're right. I have to tell you, fellow Raider fans, that Walters is our boy, the new QB did not impress me in the slightest. And, all those big names on first string better get their butts in gear because I thought first string looked pathetic. I still have a special place in my silver & black heart for Tui. Now I have 2 Tuis to watch. Okay, well, I better go do something productive.

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