Thursday, May 3, 2012

The Adventure Travels Upstream

Last week, we made a decision that will rock our world. But we knew with complete confidence that this decision was God-led. It is the path He's told us to walk down, and so we will go.

We've told a few people and are kind of shocked at the responses. Most have been very supporting and very understanding. But a few (and it only takes one to spoil a bunch) have not responded to our decision well, and even questioned if we're really doing what's right.

Honestly, we've been hurt by those responses. Hurt deeply. But as one friend deftly explained, "If they can't support you, were they really your friends to begin with?" Well said, friend, well said.

The bad responses have robbed us of our excitement and I've spent several nights in tears and turmoil. But then I "get a grip" and realize that I amd doing exactly what God called me to do, what He's been calling me to do for years and I've been skillfully ignoring Him.

So He went ahead and did what needed to be done. He allowed a door to be slammed in our faces, let our toes get stepped on and generally allowed us to become so uncomfortable with our current path that we had to change directions. Shortly after that door-slamming, toe-stepping moment, I found myself sitting in my car, crying and crying out to God. "Please God, I'll do this thing if that's what you're telling me to do. But please, give me utter peace so I know I'm doing the right thing." And I cried some more.

At supper, a few hours later, I felt relieved. I felt peace. I felt excitement and eagerness to get started. So I knew He not only heard my prayer, He answered it and I was indeed doing as He asked.

Yet, the comments from others still hurt, still enrage and still irritate.

On Sunday, I read the following message in my devotional book. And wow, what peacefull assurance I had that "going against the flow" was exactly what we were supposed to do. It's taken from the InTouch magazine and you can find it on the website by clicking the title below.

Oh, and in case you're wondering what our big life-changing adventure of a decision is, it's this: after this school year is over, we are going to homeschool our kids. Supportive comments only, please. :)

Going Against the Flow
Read | Psalm 62:1-6
A majority may rule in this world, but in your personal life, one Person rules--and that's God. It makes no difference if 10,000 people tell you what you ought to do. Once you have decided to follow the Lord, it's best to stand right where you are until you get marching orders from Him.
Does this mean we should never take godly counsel? No, it doesn't. It simply means that when we know God hasn't said "Move," we should not yield to the temptation to please others by following their directives for us. In other words, while seeking scriptural advice, believers should also listen for the Holy Spirit's promptings and warnings. For example, when dealing with your children, you may sense there's a time to bring up an issue and a time to hold off (Eccl. 3:7b).
Sometimes, however, a fear of failure may discourage us from doing things God's way, making us think, What if things don't turn out the way we planned or we're ridiculed by our peers? But ultimately, we must ask ourselves whether we're going to listen to God or the world. Remember, you never have to fear failure when you obey the Lord. He's the one who intervenes in times of hardship. And He promises to act in behalf of the one who waits for Him. (Isa. 64:4)
Remaining steadfast takes courage. That's why Paul said, "Be strong in the Lord," (Eph. 6:10). All the pressure in the world can't make you budge when you trust the Rock upon which you stand. If you wait for God's guidance, you can act with complete confidence of a successful outcome.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing Kristy. We have been contemplating a big new adventure, but it’s hard knowing others won’t support it even when you know it’s right for you and your family. I needed to hear this today.

    And good luck in your new adventure. I know you’ll do a great job!
