Friday, February 16, 2007

More news

Okay, so here's my other big news: I have a calendar for sale!

Last night was exciting for me. My neighbor had invited me to attend the Republican Women's Club membership dinner. Despite my initial apprehension, I decided to go and I'm so glad I did. It was a Mardi Gras themed event and within a few minutes of arriving, I spotted my friend Amy whose husband is our Public Service Commissioner. She and I sat with my neighbor and had a great time together.

The program began with prayer and the pledge. Imagine my surprise, a former Californian Christian persecuted by the PC Police, when the prayer began. Then ND's First Lady, Mikey Hoeven, got up to speak on her involvement in the National Prayer Breakfast and with Teen Challenge. She was both inspiring and mobilizing as she spoke about Republican women being the "worker bees" of the party and how important her Christian faith is to her politics.

Something else that really struck me was when she talked about the National Prayer Breakfast and how so many of the Christian leaders attending focused so hard on being PC that they actually watered down Christianity. She even started to cry when she told us (there were about 100 women in attendance) that President Bush once said that being told "you're in my prayers" is the greatest gift we can give our leaders. And, she said she and Governor Hoeven felt the same way. She spoke a lot about her faith and then introduced the Teen Challenge choir. Teen Challenge is relatively new here to ND, but I know it very well because we used to hire guys from TC to help out at the shop and then again when we moved here. In fact, one of the guys who helped move us into our homes was there last night. The TC president spoke and told us about Teen Challenge's new women's program wherein the children of enrolled women get to attend Shiloh Christian School tuition-paid. By the end of the evening when we again closed in prayer and after I'd won a door-prize, I was pretty inspired and excited. But then, Amy introduced me to First Lady Hoeven and the Lieutenant Governor's wife as well (is she the Second Lady?) and my night was really made! Both ladies were very amicable and I had a nice chat with the First Lady.

On my way home, about a mile from our house, I hit some ice and ended up in the drainage ditch. Don't worry, I'm okay and so is my car. I was only driving 25-30 mph and didn't freak out when it happened. And of course, a nice couple pulled up in their Honda and helped me out of the ditch. He first tried to guide me out and when I just couldn't do what he directed, he asked if he could try for me. I said sure and got out of the car. His wife called out, "Are you wearing a dress?!" I answered, "Yes and high-heeled boots!" So there I stood in six inches of snow while this passerby drove my Blazer up onto the road in only seconds.

As I drove across town this morning, I realized again how different my new home is from my old. Last night really boggled my mind and at times, I felt I was at a Women of Faith conference not the Republican Women's Club. And then being able to meet the Governor's wife! Really, would I ever have had the chance to meet Maria Shriver? Both my sister and I have been stuck on the side of the road while living in California, and did anyone ever stop to help us? When I got to my appointment this afternoon, I noticed my brand new Mickey Mouse hitch cover was missing and immediately thought of the ditch incident. So, Grammy and I drove over there this afternoon and there it was, untouched. I'm not saying ND is better than CA. There are things we go without here. But, it is different and I know with all my heart that this is where I was meant to live.

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