What a difference a week of prayer makes. Last Monday ranks with some of the worst days of my life for reasons beyond what I told you about in my post. Tuesday wasn't much better as I had to fill in for my boss and run two sales meetings because she had the flu. I was already starting to feel Adam's cold come on, but what were my choices? The two meetings went really well, but when I came home at 8:30pm, I was exhausted and most definitely sick. I spent Wednesday through Friday in bed. Thursday night was miserable for me as I didn't get much sleep, worried about Monday's events and how they would work themselves out and if I'd ever feel better. Friday night, I went to bed with much apprehension, afraid I wouldn't sleep. As I shivered, tossed and turned, familiar words of a beloved worship song drifted into my mind:
Holding me still, holding me near in Your arms of love
So I laid there, singing those words in my mind over and over until I drifted to sleep. Praise God. But that's not the end of the story. Though I was starting to feel better this morning, we still had last Monday's problem to work out. Both Scott and I were worried and stressed. So before he got on the phone to straighten things out, we buried our heads and prayed. We prayed to our God who is bigger than the cold, bigger than laryngitis, bigger than a slow season in our business. He's even bigger than our biggest problem. Then Scott got on the phone. Not long after, Scott called to me from upstairs. I went into the foyer and looked up at my husband who was beaming from ear to ear. God had answered our prayers and taken away our problem as if it hadn't happened. As Scott said this morning, "I don't know what He did, but it was only something He could do." And he is right. God showed us, again today, that He can -- and wants to -- handle all our problems big or small, life changing or not. And so I leave you with that. What is on your shoulders weighing you down today that you need your Heavenly Father to take away from you? Have you asked?
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